Thursday, July 31, 2008

HEADLINE NEWS: "NASA space agency confirms that water exists on the red planet's surface"

You know what? "I COULD NOT CARE LESS" about the water that they found on MARS. In fact, they need to stay from up there. Obviously GOD did not want anyone up there he made it so you can't even breathe on your own. Just what in the heck are they looking for up there anyway. I feel to believe that the billions that is spent on every mission could be put to better use if, oh I don't know, maybe the money was used to guarantee that every sick person here in America could afford their medicine, or perhaps every person suffering from a mental illness could receive medical attention before they kill someone because the voices in their head told them to do so. Maybe, the money could be used to ensure that every boy and girl in the public school system across the nation could be assigned a book for every class that they have, well maybe the children don't need anything because once you start giving money to the school system then you might be obligated to give the teachers the kind of money that they truly deserve or at the very least enough to pay off their student loans and eat too. I don't know. Maybe it is me. Maybe I'm just stressed because this week I have to choose whether I want to put gas in my vehicle so that I can get back and forth to work or if I want to eat. Last week I choose to eat so now I enjoy my dinners by candlelight (lol).


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